Saturday, 2025-02-01, 10:08 PM
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Kingdoms XBOX360

Halas City is in the progress of being built. The Salah Party says they are planning to make a large economy with jobs and places to live with realistic economics. This has raised the votes of the Salah for the election by far.


~Kingdom News





Halas Is Holding elections for Chancellor. The two Chancellor's running are: xboxcow2231 For the Salah Party.  And Phillip1254 for the Zina Party. All citizens and outsiders are allowed to vote.



~Kingdom News



A Total of 3 Kingdoms have been built, after the Tragic war between Halas, and Fliper Finfish's Kingdom (UNKNOWN NAME)

The FF (fliper finish) lost their village and their kingdom, and the war. But Fliper and his Supreme General started a rebelion on The halas controled kingdom of the FF. Fliper and the other rebels pushed Halas out of the kingdom once owned by the FF and  redeclaired it FF territory. After the war, the FF and Halas Signed a Treaty. 


3 days ago, the FF got word that a plane was above their city owned by the kingdom of Halas. They have not determined if it is friendly or hostile. In the mean time, Halas has been creating a more powerful Kingdom. They have planes, a mob grinder, and in prgress of building a CIA government facility.

Many Citizens of Philopia and the FF are in fear of what Halas May unleash. Recently After the creation of Philopia, Halas right away signed a peace treaty with Them, seeing that the size of Philopia is very large, and has the biggest prison.



~Kingdoms News

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